Tuesday, May 19, 2020

For many decades, many have tried to obtain a perfect...

For many decades, many have tried to obtain a perfect mixture of a healthy state of mind in relation to a healthy body. In order to do this, people exercise their bodies along with their minds. However, overly exercising can lead to consequences. As a result, a balance needs to be met. When displaying too many hard core views, the mixture of a healthy mind and a healthy body disappears. Therefore, it is very important to obtain a balance with strict rules along with some imagination. When looking at facts, it is always one sided, but when using an imagination, the possibilities become endless and can be looked upon as positive. In the novel Hard Times, there are characters that display a strict view on facts rather than imagination. The†¦show more content†¦Another example of how Thomas Gradgrind’s teachings have failed is Louisa. Louisa sacrifices herself as a wife to Josiah Bounderby in order to give Tom more freedom and to make Thomas Gradgrind happy. Ultimately, s he is very unhappy and just a way to get her family into Josiah Bounderby’s business. As a result of two poor outcomes of factual learning failures, it is safe to conclude that the teachings of Thomas Gradgrind are at fault. Opposed to Thomas Gradgrind is Josiah Bounderby. He does not believe in education and doesn’t think that it is useless to be teaching. The conflict that Thomas Gradgrind faces with Josiah Bounderby is that they are both different representations on how to educate their children. Although they both share the views of factual knowledge, the twists in their views are how important education is. Thomas Gradgrind is extremely strict with the rules and cannot stray from his set standards. However, Josiah Bounderby says that education is â€Å"to be tumbled out of doors, necks and crops and out upon the shortest allowance of everything except blows† (Dickens 314). 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